RIM provides us with the BlackBerry playbook, a great pad ! I do not regret this purchase. Performance hardware, fluidity applications or its screen which obeys perfectly are, in my opinion, one of the best if not the best technically tablet.
This tablet has been offering the new version of its OS 2.0, more and more interesting applications. Certainly we do not have the same number of applications that we can find in Apple’s AppStore, but how many are unusable, double or completely useless !
For a moment, I am looking for a simple and efficient to manage my local files, but also those of my cell phone, a BlackBerry of course ! Unfortunately, nothing special, slow, inconvenient, or poorly integrated, or even a simple porting Android application.

So I started to write my own application. Thus was born PlayCloud, application recently introduced in the App World. Of course, this is the first version, there are still many improvements to bring new features to implement. But it is already usable.

PlayCloud try to respect the philosophy of the playbook by integrating better. PlayCloud therefore incorporates color skins, layout, use the menu …
The menu provides access to application configuration. You can then activate different views in addition to the default view : the view bridge provides access to content on your mobile. With system view you can browse whole file system of the tablet.
It is very easy to copy, move or delete files or folders. Simply select them (multiple selection can be activated via the menu) and copy them to the clipboard. Then when switching folders or views, you can perform the operation from icons to copy or move.

A confirmation window will open and you can follow the progress of the operation.

To understand how PlayCloud or get the icons on-line help is available, again from the menu.
The application allows PlayCloud already manage your local files and your mobile. It will soon manage your remote files Dropbox, SugarSync, FTP … And of course, a whole bunch of improvements…
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