Ecos installation

I want to write this post, because I don’t find a lot of posts about the digital. I’ll try to describe each steps to control my train in 100% digital !

ESU - Ecos

To plug the ESU’s Ecos, it’s rather easy.

You have to be care full to set the alimentation on 14V.

Then, I have installed a decoder (Esu Lokpilot v3) in my flirt model, and I have set it. At first, I have set the decoder address (by default, it’s “3”) ; and the auxiliary functions.

It’s the minimum. Later we’ll set the velocity rate… Now, we are able to control the train.

To drive the train from a computer, we have to connect the central on your local network. I use a DHCP server to give always the same IP to my centrale. It’s possible to set the IP manually.

I’m going to enable the retro-signalisation modules using the S88 protocol. (the others functions are for the moment disabled). To test the retro-signalisation, you have to move your train (or use a electronical resistor) and look the monitor.

To achieve this post… I have realized an icone from a photo of my flirt.

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